March 2007

     在一愁莫展,心情沮丧的时候,总是能找到出口的吧!这是我一贯 想要自己保的有的信念。
     如愿的可以去做 inter ,其实我有些担心,怕自己拿不出好东西来;那些和政府服务有关联的可怕程序,一下就让我要疯了… 其实关键的关键,我没了点子。这种时候像在深渊,最绝望!
     他说不能让自己觉得喜欢的工作,真的就该停下来反省了。这也正是我所想的。不论在什么时候,适时的问问自己”到底在做什么”,是重要的。保有一份热情,就是生活最大的价值。他说到没命赚钱的机器人,人生目的是为了下一辆自己大概都没空去享用的宝马而奋斗。这大概也没什么不好!不过我同意他”that is not the life about”。我羡慕他!能过得如此洒脱,如此的激情。在他那里,就像在品世上最棒的茶。我大概还许要很久才能有他那样的沉积。而我愿意一步步去感受这生活的样子。
      那怕是一面之缘的微笑,轻轻的say “hi”,闲暇的打趣,分享食物的幸福… 我信服ton,那都是需要和你身边的人在一起的:父母,朋友,爱人,同事…
      liner似乎陷入她生活的窘境。 我想起了我们的通信:爱恋也好,人生的追求也好,这旅程像一条蛇曲曲折折。我们都畏惧那些瞬时的心境,情绪扰乱了视野。而我此刻想将ton的话于她分享……
       想起了那首名叫”life is like a boat”的歌曲……

     其实凭借自己对食物的执着,显然我比较喜欢剧里美奂的烹饪场面。想来想去还是中国菜最绝,最难。开篇,看着老朱拎着挂炉烤鸭,想起北京烤鸭酥脆金黄的外皮,加碟甜面酱和着大葱,卷在荷叶饼里,真是天堂来的美味;老朱给草鱼拍生粉,下油锅“呲溜”一炸,便是松鼠鱼的程序之一,加上酸甜适度的糖醋汁水…晶莹剔透的腊肉,白斩鸡,鱼翅羹,鲍鱼淋饭…… 口水不知道滴了多少。那种菜,没几个普通人能搞定!突然想念起最爱的老东粥皇的虾饺,蛋塔,芙蓉玉米烩饭,鸳鸯奶茶,脆皮鹅,山药排骨粥,素炒河粉,鱼丸面,卤凤爪…… 很久没想起过这些食物了,都是这电影在作祟,罪过!罪过!

Actually, this is very funny! the issue about climate change. Not only because, after the documentary An inconvenient truth was awarded the best documentary in this year Oscar, the ordinary attentions shift to the environmental phenomena so called climate alarm, also in the scientific world, it has already become the hight light.
The advocates who support to limit the GHGs emissions,  collect more powerful scientific evidences to proof that the humen being accelerate the emission fo GHGs, which pretty much contribute to the recent climate chaos. The proper climate policyies as the consequences of prevetion and precaution are possessing important meaning for so called “sustainable development”. Actually, these opiniones are well accepted by them making sense. From internet, news paperes, pubulished scientific literatures, ect, you can absolutely get them handy, but in my impression, majority developing countaries just wake up. However, an totally oppsite reaction appears.
This Tuesday, Ton handed out us a recent paper from Nature “Lifting the taboo on adaptation”. It seems a certain hiding personnel leading this anti-climate policy paper pubulished. It is realy funny. Getting from one of our classmates the linkage of a online documentary named “The great global warming swindle” announced climate change, actually, is a kind of business. Without it, you can not get money, apply the research project from governments……blab blab. On the other hand, it earns a fortune from the related industrial and employment. It seems it nothing to do with environment protection, except for the benifit pursure. Probably that is ture in certain way, I guess.
However, the one thing I get from the debate war that both of them isolating themself. The evidence, ture; the a bit overeaction, ture; the other intentions, herpaps existing, ture. I am just wondering at the end of “The great global warming swindle”, which only mentions the developing africa countries. Those majority population still live in tranditional ways, which are far away from the morden eletronic, more energy dependent lifes. It just utilizes the obvious evidences to attack that limiting GHGs emissions is unequal. But for who? Perhaps, this is just coincidence. IPCC, Al Gore’s documentary… from US; the Nature paper i read , the global warming swindle documentray from UK. There is a old Chinese saying “狗咬狗-dogfight” coming up to my mind. Anyway, debate is interesting.